Puka Shell

Information on the famous beach necklace or surfer necklace known as Puka shell necklace. Many only stores are claiming, offering you authentic puka shell jewelry. They are confusing the buyer by actually offering them the cheaper white rose necklace. There are different types of puka shells, The white puka and the Puka tiger shell. White puka can be classified as class A which is the most white of all class. Real puka is much heavier than white rose shell. Some consider white rose shell like plastics especially when they are already dyed in different colors.

Since most of the end consumers are cost conscience they opt to a cheaper version – White rose shell necklace. Ideal for teens, surfers, skaters and ethnic tribal accessory. Various colors are usually offered. Great for party giveaways, corporate occasions, beach party and summer events. Philippines is the best source of shell fashion jewelry. Wide selection of exquisite seashells to choose.
White Rose Shell
Bedido offers custom colors of white rose shell jewelry – necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Direct manufacturer of handmade shell jewelry. Whether you are a small shop or big fashion company bedido offers you only the best of wholesale handmade accessories. For more of our white rose and puka shell fashion accessory visit
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